Quality Policy
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Implementation and support of Quality Management System, compliant to ISO 9001:2015+Amd.1:2024, is a strategic choice of organization’s high ranking executives, with purpose to achieve effectiveness and efficacy of organization processes and services in production of insulated composite panels, and to meet the requirements of interested parties, as well as the legal and regulative requirements applicable to the business activity and the products.
The Quality Policy is shared by the staff and all employees work on behalf of the organization in order to provide a real focus on satisfying the requirements of the interested parties; employees are individually committed to achieving objectives set by the organization.
The strategic objectives of METECNO BULGARIA are:
- To raise the production line effectiveness, in order to improve response and delivery time;
- To guarantee high quality standards of sold products;
- To widen the range of sold products;
- To involve local suppliers in the production chain, in the context of a strong expansion; the principles that lie at the heart of quality management system, and the quality of commitments taken though defining the policy represent a frame for determination of measurable quality objectives that can be outlines ad follows:
- CLIENT SATISFACTION: constant and permanent attention shall be paid, during the sale phase and in sales order management, so that compliance with client expectations is guaranteed and client satisfaction is increased, based on the aspects of product compliance, product personalization and timely response to client.
- PARTICIPATION OF HUMAN RESOURCE: people at each level are the essence of the organization and only their commitment and awareness for active participation in organization’s processes afford putting their skills into service for the common goals and for continuous upgrade of achievements.
- COMMITMENT TO CONSTANT UPGRADE OF ACHIEVEMENTS: realizing that “Measuring is the key. Without measuring checks are not possible. Without checking management is not possible. Without management improvement cannot be achieved” - a methodological approach is promoted in the organization, intended for systematic data collection and precise data analysis.
Commitment to constant improvement is incorporated in the objectives of the annual plan, where specific objectives and implementation programs are defined, and are consequently assigned to relevant levels of the organizational structure.
The management is committed to follow applicable legal and regulatory requirements and the requirements of the interested parties; to provide resources and means appropriate to defined objectives and tasks, in regard to competency, equipment, information, economic and financial resources and to monitor continuously their adequacy. It ensures that the impact of climate change is taken into account.
The management appoints a representative, responsible for implementation and improvement of Quality Management System on the basis of pre-defined tasks. At regular intervals, during revisions, the management analyzes the development of the Quality Management System in order to be confident in its permanent compliance, adequacy and efficacy.
Date: 03.06.2024
General Manager
Carlo Rossi